Voice Services


1300/1800/SMS Inbound

1300/1800 phone numbers and phone names like “1300 SMILES” offer numerous features and benefits including  :

Features and Benefits

Top 10 Advantages of 1300/1800 Numbers


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  • Professional Image: Having a 1300/1800 number gives your business a professional image and creates a sense of credibility and trustworthiness among customers. It portrays a larger, established presence and demonstrates your commitment to providing excellent customer service.
  • SMS Gateways
1300/1800 numbers can be automatically directed to SMS gateways for immediate and tailored automatic responses “SMS your name to  1300 123 456”  or phone words, such as  “1300 SMSNOW”
  • Portability and Flexibility: If you need to relocate or expand your business to a different location, you can retain your 1300/1800 number. These numbers are portable, meaning you can redirect calls to any landline or mobile number of your choice. This flexibility ensures that you can maintain continuity in communication with your customers during any business transitions.
  • Call Management Features: 1300/1800 numbers offer a range of call management features that enhance customer experience and streamline operations. These features include
  • Call routing - time based or other ‘rules’ can be tailored to suit. For example, after 5:00pm, calls can be diverted to a paging service or voice to email.
  • Simultaneous ring – multiple mobiles or landlines can be called simultaneously
  • Interactive voice response (IVR) systems
  • Call analytics. Such tools enable efficient call handling, better customer service, and data-driven insights for improving business processes.
  • Brand Recognition and Recall: A memorable 1300/1800 number can contribute to brand recognition and recall. If customers associate your business with a specific phone number, it becomes easier for them to remember and refer to your company when they need your products or services. This can boost brand visibility and facilitate word-of-mouth referrals.